Dance Sport Festival

The Dance Sport Festival 2025 is scheduled from June 6th - 8th.

Some facts about the DSF

  • 830 couples/solo dancers were registered for 1,359 starts,
    that's 157 more couples/solo dancers with more 290 starts than in 2023

  • 93 judges - international and national - were on duty around the clock,
    in 2023 there were still 38

  • couples from all over Germany and 49 other nations were registered
    including China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Malta, Canada and the USA

  • 228 couples competed at the WDSF Senior III Standard World Championships

  • 58 couples competed at the WDSF European Youth Latin Championships

  • 65 couples competed at the WDSF World Senior II Latin Championships

  • Around 150 helpers ensured that all competitions, the two World Championships - Senior III S Standard (Friday) and Senior II S Latin (Sunday) - as well as the European Youth Latin Championships (Saturday) could be held smoothly and in accordance with the regulations.

with kind support of Detlef Hegemann Stiftung

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