Instructions for the helper portal

Hello and thank you for your interest in our helper system.

For a better planning and overview we use an online system for our helper services. This is based on the version of the Chaos Computer Club called "Engelsystem", which is used to plan and organize their annual congress.
It may happen that in some places the term "Engel" or "Engeltypen" (= Chaos Computer Club version) is used, meaning you as a helper.
We are trying to reprogram everything as quickly as possible.

In the following you will find a an overview of how to create an account and how you can sign up for a shift to help.

Please click on an image to see it in full size.

>1< To create an account, please click on "Register"

>2< For information on the task descriptions, please click on "Team/Aufgabenbeschreibung" (Task description)

Please fill in all marked fields to create a user.

In the field "geplanter Ankunftstag" (planned arrival day), please enter the first day from which you can help at our event.

Very important, please check all three options regarding notifications! Otherwise you will not receive automatic notifications when important information is posted or when times for your work assignment change.

Klicke auf das Bild, um es in voller Größe zu sehen.

Now you can choose in which area you would like to support us.

>1< Here you can take another look at what needs to be done in each area.

>2< To see all available services, click on all boxes; you can then select your service individually.

>3< Finally, click on "Register".

You will now be forwarded to the Landing Page. This is where you can find all posted news about current events.

>1< You can always return to this homepage by clicking on News.

>2< If you click on "Schichten" (shifts), you will get to the overview of helper services

>3< "Frag die Orga" (ask the orga team): here you can ask us any question you have.
       Alternatively, you can also send an email to

>1< After clicking on "Schichten" (shifts), you will be forwarded to the dashboard.

>2< Enter the start date of the event with the time 00:00

>3< Next, enter the end date with the time 23:59

>4< Select the location, this can be e.g. "DSF 2024 (CCB/Hall 4)" as shown in the picture

>5< Select one or more "Helfertypen" (helper types): these are identical to the task descriptions

>6< For occupancy, it is best to select "free" to display all available shifts

>7< As a last step, click on "Filter"

Based on your filter settings, all shifts will be displayed.

>1< This view can be switched between calendar view ("Kalender") and list view ("Tabellenansicht")

>2< Here you can see who is already registered for these shifts and how many people we still need.
>3< Click here to sign up for this shift.

Confirm your entries, that's it!